Welcome to the Embassy of Costa Rica in Kenya

The Embassy of Costa Rica in Kenya is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica. The Embassy coordinates and manages matters of politics, commerce, tourism, education, health and international relations between both countries and concurrent embassies.………read more

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La semana anterior se llevó a cabo la segunda sesión de 2024 de la Junta Ejecutiva de ONU-Hábitat, con una activa participación de la Misión de Costa Rica:

Solicitamos la desagregación de datos por procedencia geográfica y por género, dentro de las categorías profesionales de personal que labora para ONU-Hábitat, en futuros reportes sobre la ejecución del programa de trabajo;

Felicitamos que la mayor parte de las orientaciones proporcionadas por los Estados miembros estén bien reflejadas en el borrador Plan Estratégico 2026-2029, en particular las áreas de impacto, la estructura propuesta y la extensión del documento; y

Destacamos el trabajo colaborativo que se ha venido realizando entre ONU-Hábitat, la Universidad de Pennsilvania y el Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos, con San José como caso de implementación y estudio de la herramienta “Hotspot Stoplight”, en la planificación, gestión y toma de decisiones territoriales.

The second session of 2024 of the UN-HABITAT Executive Board was held last week, with the active participation of the Mission of Costa Rica:

We request the disaggregation of data by geographic origin and by gender, within the professional categories of staff working for UN-Habitat, in future reports on the implementation of the work program;

We welcomed that most of the guidance provided by member states is well reflected in the draft Strategic Plan 2026-2029, in particular the impact areas, the proposed structure and the document's length; and

We highlighted the collaborative work that has been taking place between UN-Habitat, the University of Pennsylvania and the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, with San José as a case of implementation and study of the “Hotspot Stoplight” tool, in territorial planning, management and decision making.

Ministerio Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos MIVAH
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La semana anterior se llevó a cabo la segunda sesión de 2024 de la Junta Ejecutiva de ONU-Hábitat, con una activa participación de la Misión de Costa Rica:

Solicitamos la desagregación de datos por procedencia geográfica y por género, dentro de las categorías profesionales de personal que labora para ONU-Hábitat, en futuros reportes sobre la ejecución del programa de trabajo;

Felicitamos que la mayor parte de las orientaciones proporcionadas por los Estados miembros estén bien reflejadas en el borrador Plan Estratégico 2026-2029, en particular las áreas de impacto, la estructura propuesta y la extensión del documento; y

Destacamos el trabajo colaborativo que se ha venido realizando entre ONU-Hábitat, la Universidad de Pennsilvania y el Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos, con San José como caso de implementación y estudio de la herramienta “Hotspot Stoplight”, en la planificación, gestión y toma de decisiones territoriales.

The second session of 2024 of the UN-HABITAT Executive Board was held last week, with the active participation of the Mission of Costa Rica:

We request the disaggregation of data by geographic origin and by gender, within the professional categories of staff working for UN-Habitat, in future reports on the implementation of the work program;

We welcomed that most of the guidance provided by member states is well reflected in the draft Strategic Plan 2026-2029, in particular the impact areas, the proposed structure and the documents length; and

We highlighted the collaborative work that has been taking place between UN-Habitat, the University of Pennsylvania and the Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements, with San José as a case of implementation and study of the “Hotspot Stoplight” tool, in territorial planning, management and decision making.

Ministerio Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Ministerio de Vivienda y Asentamientos Humanos MIVAHImage attachment

Esta mañana nos reunimos con el Sr. Nicholas Ronoh, Director Ejecutivo de las Asociación Internacional de Soldados de Paz de las Naciones Unidas (UN-SPIA), organización no gubernamental que agrupa a exmilitares del este de África que prestaron servicio en operaciones de paz de las Naciones Unidas.

UN-SPIA presta asesoría a los gobiernos de Kenia y Ruanda en el marco de la Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad en Haití, específicamente en la búsqueda de instituciones de Centro y Suramérica que puedan proveer capacitación y entrenamiento en cuestiones de paz y democracia al contingente desplegad en el hermano país caribeño

This morning we met with Mr. Nicholas Ronoh, Executive Director of the United Nations Soldiers of Peace International Association (UN-SPIA), a non-governmental organization that brings together former military staff from East Africa who served in United Nations peacekeeping operations.

UN-SPIA advises the governments of Kenya and Rwanda in the framework of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, specifically in the search for institutions in Central and South America that can provide training in peace and democracy issues to the contingent deployed in the Caribbean country.
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Esta mañana nos reunimos con el Sr. Nicholas Ronoh, Director Ejecutivo de las Asociación Internacional de Soldados de Paz de las Naciones Unidas (UN-SPIA), organización no gubernamental que agrupa a exmilitares del este de África que prestaron servicio en operaciones de paz de las Naciones Unidas.

UN-SPIA presta asesoría a los gobiernos de Kenia y Ruanda en el marco de la Misión Multinacional de Apoyo a la Seguridad en Haití, específicamente en la búsqueda de instituciones de Centro y Suramérica que puedan proveer capacitación y entrenamiento en cuestiones de paz y democracia al contingente desplegad en el hermano país caribeño

This morning we met with Mr. Nicholas Ronoh, Executive Director of the United Nations Soldiers of Peace International Association (UN-SPIA), a non-governmental organization that brings together former military staff from East Africa who served in United Nations peacekeeping operations.

UN-SPIA advises the governments of Kenya and Rwanda in the framework of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti, specifically in the search for institutions in Central and South America that can provide training in peace and democracy issues to the contingent deployed in the Caribbean country.

Today we pay homage to all the coffee growers around the world, especially our fellow Costa Ricans and Kenyan brothers who, together, produce the best coffees in the world.

Happy International Coffee Day!!!

Hoy homenajeamos a todos caficultores alrededor del mundo, especialmente a nuestro compatriotas en Costa Rica y a nuestros hermanos kenianos quienes, juntos, producen los mejores cafés del mundo.

¡Feliz Día Internacional del Café!

International Coffee Organization Instituto del Café de Costa Rica - ICAFE Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock Development
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In the wake of commemorating 203 years of Independence, Costa Rica, faithful to a state foreign policy that has distinguished it for decades, reiterates before Kenya's diplomatic community its rejection of violence and war to settle political conflicts and its uncompromised respect for International Law and International Humanitarian Law.


Al conmemorarse 203 años de Independencia, Costa Rica, fiel a una política exterior de Estado que la ha distinguido durante décadas, reitera ante la comunidad diplomática de Kenia su rechazo a la violencia y a la guerra para dirimir conflictos políticos y su respeto irrestricto al Derecho Internacional y al Derecho Internacional Humanitario.
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In the wake of commemorating 203 years of Independence, Costa Rica, faithful to a state foreign policy that has distinguished it for decades, reiterates before Kenyas diplomatic community its rejection of violence and war to settle political conflicts and its uncompromised respect for International Law and International Humanitarian Law.


Al conmemorarse 203 años de Independencia, Costa Rica, fiel a una política exterior de Estado que la ha distinguido durante décadas, reitera ante la comunidad diplomática de Kenia su rechazo a la violencia y a la guerra para dirimir conflictos políticos y su respeto irrestricto al Derecho Internacional y al Derecho Internacional Humanitario.Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

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Felicidades al señor Encargado de Negocios a.i. feliz 203 aniversario!!

Excelente, estimado Luis Fernando!

This morning, at the invitation of President William Ruto, we attended the launch of Kenya's Fifth National Action Plan, under the auspices of the Open Government Partnership. The Plan consists of nine commitments, including Climate Action, Open Contracting and Access to Information.

Esta mañana, invitados por el Presidente William Ruto, asistimos al lanzamiento del Quinto Plan Nacional de Acción de Kenia, bajo los auspicios de la Asociación para el Gobierno Abierto. El Plan consta de nueve compromisos, donde destacan la Acción Climática, la Contratación Abierta y el Acceso a la Información.

#fifthnationalactionplan #OpenGovernmentPartnership
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This morning, at the invitation of President William Ruto, we attended the launch of Kenyas Fifth National Action Plan, under the auspices of the Open Government Partnership. The Plan consists of nine commitments, including Climate Action, Open Contracting and Access to Information.

Esta mañana, invitados por el Presidente William Ruto, asistimos al lanzamiento del Quinto Plan Nacional de Acción de Kenia, bajo los auspicios de la Asociación para el Gobierno Abierto. El Plan consta de nueve compromisos, donde destacan la Acción Climática, la Contratación Abierta y el Acceso a la Información.

#FifthNationalActionPlan #OpenGovernmentPartnershipImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Comunicado Conjunto sobre sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela ... See MoreSee Less

Comunicado Conjunto sobre sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela
5 months ago
Embajada de Costa Rica en Kenia

Esta mañana nos visitó la empresaria y emprendedora keniana Pauline Muthigani, para afinar detalles de su agenda de reuniones en el Buyers Trade Mission (BTM) 2024, la rueda de negocios más importante de la región centroamericana y caribeña, organizada por PROCOMER.

Desde la Embajada, nos complace muchísimo contribuir a que la participación de la señora Muthigani sea un éxito. Es la primera vez que una persona de Kenia participa en este evento.

#BTM2024 #procomer #essentialcostarica
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Esta mañana nos visitó la empresaria y emprendedora keniana Pauline Muthigani, para afinar detalles de su agenda de reuniones en el Buyers Trade Mission (BTM) 2024, la rueda de negocios más importante de la región centroamericana y caribeña, organizada por PROCOMER.

Desde la Embajada, nos complace muchísimo contribuir a que la participación de la señora Muthigani sea un éxito. Es la primera vez que una persona de Kenia participa en este evento.

#BTM2024 #PROCOMER #EssentialCostaRica

On June 8th, 2024, the Embassy of Costa Rica in Kenya participated in the 9th Nairobi International Cultural Festival hosted at the National Museums of Kenya (NMK). The theme was ‘The World at a Glance’, committed to foster cultural understanding and global cooperation through the arts and as a way to appreciate cultural diversity, promoting unity and global cooperation. It featured traditional music, dance, and storytelling from various cultures, as well as arts, crafts, and artifacts representing global heritage, together with interactive sessions on traditional crafts, cooking, and dance and culinary delights from different countries.

The Embassy showcased some items from Costa Rica, including the térrabas and borucas masks, maps of Costa Rica, coffee, leaflets showing the touristic features in Costa Rica, biodiversity and forest coverage. Many inquiries from the public regarding Costa Rica and travel plans were attended.

The festival attracted thousands of visitors, including senior government officials, diplomats, scholars, industry executives and students. Embassies of Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Somalia and Thailand also participated.
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On June 8th, 2024, the Embassy of Costa Rica in Kenya participated in the 9th Nairobi International Cultural Festival hosted at the National Museums of Kenya (NMK). The theme was ‘The World at a Glance’, committed to foster cultural understanding and global cooperation through the arts and as a way to appreciate cultural diversity, promoting unity and global cooperation. It featured traditional music, dance, and storytelling from various cultures, as well as arts, crafts, and artifacts representing global heritage, together with interactive sessions on traditional crafts, cooking, and dance and culinary delights from different countries.


The Embassy showcased some items from Costa Rica, including the térrabas and borucas masks, maps of Costa Rica, coffee, leaflets showing the touristic features in Costa Rica, biodiversity and forest coverage. Many inquiries from the public regarding Costa Rica and travel plans were attended.


The festival attracted thousands of visitors, including senior government officials, diplomats, scholars, industry executives and students. Embassies of Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Somalia and Thailand also participated.Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

3 CommentsComment on Facebook

You can't ask Africans to legalize their documents in their ministry of foreign affairs and because most are not members of the apostille convention you will tell them to do legalization via third country which are mostly European countries then after presenting their documents to tell them to go to first get a European Schengen visa to go to Europe to get their visa process And you do all this after giving account for them to pay in their visa fee which is non refundable Giovanna Valverde Stark please look into this They service behind the emails are not doing their job properly

Please the mission of the embassy is so complicated the Costa Rica embassy in Nairobi should be able to process visa application for all African countries and not referring them to Europe because less than five countries in this Africa continent are members of the apostille convention

You can't ask Africans to legalize their documents in their ministry of foreign affairs and because most are not members of the apostille convention you will tell them to do legalization via third country which are mostly European countries then after presenting their documents to tell them to go to first get a European Schengen visa to go to Europe to get their visa process And you do all this after giving account for them to pay in their visa fee which is non refundable

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