Legal Procedures
Criminal record application (Hoja de delincuencia)
Application: When a person resides outside of Costa Rica and requires a criminal record, the person must make an express request to the Consulate.
Appointment: Please email:
Cost: Free.
Approximate duration: Once the request sent, it takes between 24 and 36 hours so that the proxy can pick up the criminal record at the judicial file.
Content of the request:
1. Identity card or passport number (which must physically present at the Consulate).
2. Date of birth.
3. Full name of both parents.
4. Full name, ID number and telephone number of the person located in Costa Rica expressly authorized to collect the crime certification or act as a proxy.
Rogatory errands (diligencias exhortos)
Application: Notifications made abroad at the request of a Costa Rican Court
Appointment: N/A
Cost: Allowances for the official and corresponding consular fee.
Approximate duration: N/A
1. The judicial offices require the Consul an estimate of the transfer costs to practice the diligence.
2. If the diligence generates cost, the sum must be paid before the judicial office frees the warrant.
3. The Judicial Office sends the request to the General Secretariat of the Supreme Court of Justice;
4. Once in the Secretariat, it is referred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, with a note requesting it filled out;
5. The Legal Counsel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship sends the Rogatory Letter along with the accompanying documents to the address indicated by the Office of the Secretariat (that is, to our Embassies or Consulates abroad),
6. When the Consul receives the document, he/she has the period of two months to complete it; once completed the procedure, the Consul sends it back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so that they, in turn, send it to the Secretariat of the Court and from there to the main Judicial Office.